Our services.
Free Environmental Technology data management.
Standard Services.
Inspire 360 Australia procures smart public infrastructure devices to gather important environmental data to Government agencies enhancing and modernising open spaces and public asset infrastructure across Australia. As a standard feature all devices are integrated with a cloud portal allowing your organisation to gather environmental data and share with the public to enhance community interaction experience as an integral free standard service supplied with all device purchases. You can connect all devices and add to projects all within the one single cloud platform!
Environmental Consultancy Services.
Additional Managed Services.
We understand that your organisation has unique and variable compliance requirements for data integration into your new project. Inspire 360 is now offering an additional managed service within the ICT arena tailored to your data gathering, compliance & project requirements within the environmental technology landscape. Inspire 360 can create and manage the right ICT service and solution for your next project adding value to streetscapes in your area & fulfilling tender obligations.
Asset Maintenance Services.
Protecting Asset Investment.
Inspire 360